The evolution of sports betting

The biggest disappointment of the year for keen sport betters was the cancellation of the 2020 Olympic games. Whilst we are unable to enjoy the excitement of team Great Britain competing in this year’s events let’s look at the history of the Olympic games, where the origin of sports betting comes from and also an in depth look on the evolution and the future of sports betting.

According to Wikipedia, the earliest records of sports betting dates back more than 2000 years ago. The Greek empire loved their sports and it led them to create the biggest betting extravaganza to date, the Olympics.

It took a few hundred years for the world to figure out what the hype was about, but the earliest records suggest that the first empire to also accept sports betting as a legal practice, was ancient Rome.

What were the events?
The initial Olympic Games was only a 24 hour event until the popularity grew, and they had to extend the event to three days. With the ever increasing growth, the Greek empire had to further extend the games to a 5-day event in order for every event to have enough recognition. The events are very similar to the modern Olympic games, and they include:

Spade race (Running)
Which was seen as the greatest test of the Olympia track from one end of the track to the other. They later introduced the 400m race as well as a longer type race much like the 2000m today, which was seen as a test of endurance.

For an extra advantage athletes would use weights to increase the distance of their own jump they were made from stone and lead. They would hold onto the weight as long as possible, and just before they would land, they would propel the object backwards to gain an extra few metres.

Discus throw
Which today is seen as the ultimate test of strength and technique. The first discus was made from stone and later they switched to iron, and then made into the modern lead discus athletes use now. The technique they chose was very similar to the modern freestyle discus technique modern athletes use.

This was seen as a typical form of military exercise without weapons; it only ended only when one of the contestants admitted defeat.

Boxers wrapped material around their hands to strengthen their wrists; this added a big advantage to the boxer, who could now have increased stability and mobility especially with regards to their fingers, this technique also reduced injuries. Initially the straps were soft, but as time went on boxers started using harder straps made of leather which lead to many fighters having disfigurements to their face.

This was one of the most primitive forms of martial arts. It combined wrestling and boxing and was considered to be one of the toughest Sports and the ultimate test of fighters abilities. This was very similar to the UFC we know today and sport betting websites like online casino would have made life so much easier to place a bet.

Equestrian events
Of course, probably one of the biggest sports betting events in the modern era. Horse races and chariot races took place in a track called the Hippodrome, a wide flat open space.

The Evolution of Online Sports Betting
The biggest factor that has contributed to the growth of sports betting is the arrival of the internet. Imagine going back in time to Ancient Greece where you had to stand in a massive line with many people, just to place your one single bet.

Before the emergence of the internet, sports betting, which was always popular, was nowhere near as global as it is in the present. Also the variety of sports you can bet on the most kaszino websites you can bet on over 2000 upcoming events and over 100 different types of sport, the internet has truly changed the game of online sports betting.

The biggest plus side of online sports betting is the accessibility you get, you can use any device to place a bet from any country in the world, 24/7, the ultimate ticket to any sports betters heart.

With online sports betting, you can monitor the betting lines, how they change according to popularity news etc. What this means is you can find the best and affordable betting opportunities as the event continues, this is especially important when betting on live sporting events.

The future of online sports betting
So as far as the future looks for sports betting, it looks bright. With the sheer size of which sport is growing through television, and public exposure to the ever growing demand of sports betting, the future looks fantastic.

Fans have been betting on sports for as long as sports have been invented. There’s no reason especially in this lifetime that this will change in the near future.

As of today the two most popular sports to place bets on are american football, and probably one of the most renowned sports in the world, football.

Currently the game of football has over 240000000 active players, with countries like England, Spain, Germany, Italy and France spearheading the football scene.

The sheer variety you can place your bets on include: transfers, who will score first, man of match, who will win the league and much much more.

Some different sports to bet on include basketball, baseball and hockey.However, you can place bets on just about any sport you can name of.

Sport betting depends on sheer numbers and availability for example how big the event is will determine how many people will place bets and inevitably reduce or increase your odds on winning a massive sum of money or just a small amount, it also depends on how much you are willing to bet, if you want to go big or go home, or just make some extra money to treat yourself for a nice Christmas present.

In conclusion
We have come a long way, since the early days of sports betting and also the degree in which they compete. Sports betting is here to stay and has taken all necessary steps to become one of the leading gambling events of the modern era.

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